5 yrs ago on Dec 21st, I was in Bangalore India, celebrating saree in a way no one could have imagined. For a whole year women all over the world wore sarees ( nothing new) and wrote stories about them ( that was something new) and then connected over those saree stories. That was just amazing and beyond awesome. The Saree Pact brought many aspects of my life together. My life as a woman, stories about life, sarees and also as a parent of a special needs child. Somehow through the pact the saree stories made much more sense to so many more people all over the world.
The Saree pact gave me a reason to keep writing, to connect with people . And as they say - rest is history. Later I wore Sarees to draw attention to the cause close to my heart- The Moms of kids with special needs. Over the years I could bring over 200 Moms together.
One of the mothers joined the network and soon enough she became a dear friend. She is a fighter in her own way but credits me for giving her a village, adores me for brining people together and more than anything calls me charismatic to boost my ego. But she herself does so many things for the civil rights of normal citizens among the many hats she wears. Her mother is another amazing story, I adore her and love listening to her stories. She moved to USA 50+ yrs ago from Calcutta. She gave me this beautiful Gray-Blue pochampalli from her treasure. This saree is a reminder of the strength of womanhood, grace, friendship, appreciation, hope and much more. A perfect celebration of Saree on Saree day.
4 of us sister walked into the room, dressed exactly alike in blue. A day to remember for all of us and everyone else present.
2015 you were a year in my life like none before.
#Sareecelebration #sareeDay #pactandbeyond #100sareepact.
Read the Hindu's article about 100Sareepact
Thank you Mona for your love and friendship
Imagine the scene - 4 sisters walking with same saree, jewelry, shoes and all smiles. Celebrating the sisterhood with sisters and saree sisters.
Wow Looks Awesome ! Saree designs