Monday, February 4, 2019

Another kind of win..

The Sunday night was exciting in many households across united states. And I know for sure many in other parts of the world were up at odd hours to watch the football game. The Super Bowl Sunday was special for us New Englanders. It is one of the most talked about events in united states. Last night Our Team won 6thchampionship. 
Pandeys were not a sports fan at all to begin with. Slowly dad and Anand started enjoying the football and from last couple of years it’s their way of spending cold Sundays. If Patriots are playing Anand will watch the game. I have seen him enjoying more and more every year.
He has been more aware of the whole sports world and keeping track of its social media presence. Last couple of years it has been chips, drinks and cake party. We hang out at home on Super bowl Sunday and enjoy the game. I meant them.. Ajey and I still are boring people when it comes to sports. From last couple of games, I could hear Anand screaming shouting and commenting on game. After the game, he would analyze with his dad. 
This Sunday was no different. He went out with dad for shopping, Special football cake, drinks and chips. By 5 PM Pandey boys had turned on the fire and started partying. While I was busy cooking and cleaning upstairs, I could hear the discussion and talk and excitement from basement. After the game, I could go down and be there for few minutes and not understanding much will come back. But I was notified that it was a slow game, defense was wonderful and for 3 qt of the game nothing much happened. Meanwhile we cribbed about not so fun half time show. I was done with my stuff and finally decided to spend last 20 minutes of the game with the boys. I didn’t get much about the game so he tried to explain and I was blown away. Anand not only knew everything but was able to explain it to his sports illiterate mom. I still don’t understand how patriots got 13 points from 3 then 7 but I know it was fun because my son was so excited and proud about it.
But wait.. this post is not about that win .. its about which follows.
Tomorrow Anand wants to go to Boston for Patriots Parade.  THIS is the biggest win for me.. My son is ready to go to the city where million plus will get together to celebrate the historical win. His excitement and pride is winning over the uncomfortable crowd and noise. Dad is taking a day off and the boys will hop on the green line and go to Boston. I am not sure what tomorrow brings but for now my heart is so full. We have a long way to go but willingness to experience something totally new.. That’s the super bowl win for this anxious mom. I hope he enjoys his class and they find parking at train station and find a place to watch the big show and come back home happy.. Stay tuned with us J




  1. Nicely crafted one from a lovable Mom !!!!!!

  2. So nice. Am very glad for every win Anand has

  3. That is so awesome how Anand is enjoying the game with his dad.
