Wednesday, May 1, 2019

a new journey a new experience .

While driving Anand to his class I was taken back to my own memories of college. I went to school in a very small town in MP and couldn’t go away for higher education so from elementary school to college,  my life was shaped in such a “Balaghati” way.
Then 2 decades later I went to college here in Franklin , again a small college in a close-knit town. I took evening classes while working full time so it was not a perfect college education but for me it was an experience in itself. “Continuing Education” was the name of department that conducted the evening classes. It was a better way of saying adult education.
College was always in our mind for Anand, how and when and where came later. But we wanted him to have that experience regardless.
Finally we could put that plan in action this spring semester with Mass Bay community college. Apprehensions and anxiety were part of the game. The session started and Anand seemed to like it. I, as usual don’t get much information and decided to let him handle his schedule and details. A protective mom had to take a step back so he could learn.
It’s been hard not being part of this experience and I feel so helpless knowing very well I have to do this for him. A thought came to my mind to log in and check the status of his homework and what are they teaching in the class. But in the end I couldn’t do it as I am the one who wants an independent son : ) and failing is part of being independent and growing up. He is taking one class this semester, attends class twice a week and seems excited about it. He does his homework and keeps his dad posted.
His first day Dad took him to class but it was Anand who asked and figured out his class and room, went in and talk to his professor. I on the other hand was so restless because neither of them would give me the minute by minute details . The details I so wanted. Soon we got used to his routine.  For the last 3 months, he  has been going early to Mass Bay, waits for an hour for his class and then goes back to Accept (his program),twice a week. I was a worried mom for a couple of week. During the school vacation week I had to take him to his class. I was instructed where to park and shown the way to a waiting area, where I worked for the hour he was in class. I so wanted to talk to his teacher and see the classroom and meet his classmates but as a good mom I respected his wish and kept my nose out of his business, atleast this once.
I ask once in a while about his course and get some responses depending on his mood. One day he told me they would start Excel once they finish Microsoft Word. I quietly mentioned that that’s what I do at work, use excel all the time. The look on his face and shine in his eyes were the best sight of the day, soon they disappeared when I said I could help him with homework. “I will be fine” was the response to that.
This week, he is working on his final project, next week final exam and we are done with his first college class. It has been an amazing journey so far. But at this point I am so ready to move past that and look forward to something exciting.

The morning ritual.. get ready and enjoy the iPad while  waiting for the transport 


      The first day picture.. not a chance .. Mom is happy with backpack picture.

Busy with one of the assignment

 The waiting area..


  1. So awesome! I can feel your apprehenion and your sons sense of accomplishment.

    I find Mass Bay is very accepting to our neurodiverse children. My son is just finishing up his second full year...we are starting the challenge of figuring out if he wants to transfer to a bigger school and the logistics of that...and I am again having to navigate how much I should be hands off and how much I should help.
