Tuesday, February 20, 2018

What is your escape?

I always imagine – if my dining table could talk.. the stories.. endless talks, discussion, anger, happiness, frustration it has seen it all.  Stories of childhood, memories of youth and smiles of experience. At the same time, it has witnessed the parenting in all form, size and shape and not to mention the motherhood of various race, ethnicity and age and class.
I am very fortunate to have met wonderful people in my life. I have learnt a lot from many of them and I think I too have spread happiness in their life in some way.
Every time we host someone or meet someone we learnt a great deal of human behavior and marvel how things work differently with different people. Some of us deal with grief openly some of us just take it in and some of us just runaway and not deal with it.
I have seen many moms with special need children and their way of dealing with their disappointment. Many of them are runner, some dance, some meditate, exercise is must for many of them. Moms come in many forms as poet, singers and painters, I cook, party and always doing something. We all have our ways.. I have wonderful friends with neuro typical kids but at the same time I enjoy company of other special moms. But some of the moms who have kids with needs don’t want to hang out with other special moms. May be its just a cruel reminder of their own reality or afraid to face the realization of their own fears or seeing their own pain on someone else’s face? It is hard to decide or choose what is better.
Some people want to feel a part of a larger group going through similar circumstances and some people want to do it privately. But whatever it is there is no way around it. We all have be that mom one way or another. When we are around people who are our own we let our guards down and there we ALL are – exactly the same- dreamer but worried, hopeful but sad and just want someone to hold us tight and hug and say its all turnout to be OK, your ok, not anyone else’s.. how do I know? Because I have been there before..
 Anand's way of dealing with his biggest stress.. his mother
on the way to get his brother home .. music is HIS escape.. what is yours?

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