
Sunday, March 15, 2020

Social distancing - Day -1 & 2

Day one of the staycation started as an unusual Friday. It was a working day but no-one was rushing, Usually Ashish leaves before 6 and ajey around 6.45, Anand had half day but we decided he should stay home too.  Its my WFH day so I get to sleep little more than usual. Morning was kind of very lazy. Ashish offered to make breakfast and I thought it was a good start.
The day progressed and we all found a rhythm. It was first time 3 of us working at home together so we all found our places and moved on with the day. 
I asked boys to help me clean both the refrigerators and in the course of the day we took every things out, cleaned and washed and then took inventory and put it back. the last shelf went in around 10 PM.
But during the day many small things happened. friends stopped by to drop groceries, we had joked, laughed in the parking lot, I could go for a long walk with Ashish and had two ideas. How to help people who are selflessly working while we all are staying in our safe environment and checking on friends during this social distancing . It feels nice to be home with people we love but I know soon the stress of everything going around will impact us in a way we couldn’t think of. Kids staying home, missing their routine, social circle, too many negative news and uncertainty It will create chaos in our life. I think we all will miss our social norm and routine. I might be wrong about it ( so wish so) but thinking of making a “checking on you” phone call chains just in case. 
Right now I am confused, worried, anxious but looking forward to some quiet family time, reading, lot of movies, wine and cleaner house. I hope to write everyday and keep a log. stay tuned for more stories and pictures.

My first born "working" such a wonderful feeling to have him around.

screen shot of facebook status 

Friday after work I decided to clean both the refrigerators. with boys doing the dirty job of taking stuff out, it was easy and yes, the cleaning was kind of therapeutic. I made an inventory of stuff we had in freezer and I am ready to feed an army now. I think if nothing else come out of this forced situation Pandey boys will at least have good meals. 

Saag, Millet roti, Palak dal and Salad and freshly squeezed orange juice 

  Life is like that - finding that perfect piece to fit in. Lego and lazy afternoon.

Day two- Anand’s session in Newton with Dr Aspel went well. There is  his office I got to learn what was going on in Anand’s mind about corona, My son was thinking about movie premier postponed, people falling sick, business closed, uncertainty over everything. I wish I could explain 100 things to him, that it will be OK. came home and ate Dosa and Fish curry for lunch, I watched two episodes for 4 weddings and a funeral. Ashish couldn’t stand that show, so now we both are on two different TVs on two different floors. So much for my “spending time with husband romance” 

Boys ate Bertuchhi’s Pizza and we ate whatever left over was.  I cleaned my backup pantry in basement. 

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