
Monday, March 30, 2020

Until quarantine keeps us apart

The weekend Saga - 03/28 (Saturday Day 16) and 03/39 (Sunday Day 17)   

With a not so composed Friday evening, I decided to make it a better Saturday morning. Had a few things planned for Saturday so I knew it would be a socially (even with distance) busy day. We all know that we shouldn’t constantly talk about what is not right but it’s all over the news. Every conversation, every phone call is about that usually. Friday evening, during group call Divya had a very clear instruction that we should pay attention to what is blooming in our garden instead of talking about the pandemic. Sometime you need a Gardner friend, usually they are the first ones to notice the signs of spring. That’s what I did on Saturday, decided to let go the bitterness and anxiety and embrace the better side of it.The walk really did me good because I was looking for blooms not despair.
The usual Group FaceTime call with my high school and college friends was fun.
Some of the moms in my network baked bread together virtually. It was fun to see 7 of us on the Zoom screen, cooking and chatting. The same evening I had initiated a virtual Saree meet. 17 of us came together just to have fun. I wore a simple cotton saree for the meet. It’s amazing how the 6 yrds can change everything around you. With a cup of chai and girlfriends on the screen it was just awesome. I so wanted to continue the vibe of the day so decided to make dinner fun.  Ordered take out, that too Indian, so not like the Pandeys.
Some people, some conversations have the power to make your day. My Sunday morning was one of those. Thankful for love and laughter in my life.
Ashish decided to do the grocery shopping today so the afternoon was about sorting and cleaning the stuff. We can feed an army for some time now . If you want freshly cooked food, 1234 Pond St is your place :) ( sending you to the neighbors:)
The Hindi Manch had the Virtual Poetry meet this evening. I did what I would do in the usual program, got dressed in a saree, recited Faiz and enjoyed seeing my friends. Technology has really made social distancing less painful. Talking to family and friends in India I am realizing that being at home 24*7 with more work and less help can be difficult. Some of us are making the best of it and some are having a very difficult time. A friend joked that after this epidemic is over we will see a lot of babies and the real faces of many relationships.
What are you doing to get through the day? What is keeping you sane and what does family means to you now? 

What are you doing to get through the day? what is keeping you sane? and what family means to you now? 
Years ago Papa got this saree from Mehndiwada, a small weaver village near Balaghat, the town I grew up in. Love the simplicity of this saree,  matched with this bright blouse. 

Thank you Divya for forcing us to look at the better side.
 This was a lunch somewhere, I didn't take picture of my lunch, I wish i was having this for my lunch though, so love sandwiches. 
full drama - and Boys were like can we just eat, disposable plates will do too.
 Candlelight dinner :) Life gives you lemon- you better make margarita and invite me.
 Rainy Sunday, Who cares, all dressed for Poetry meet.
 शाम--फ़िराक़ अब पूछ आई और आके टल गई
दिल था के फिर बहल गया, जाँ थी के फिर सम्भल गई
जब तुझे याद कर लिया, सुबह महक महक उठी
जब तेरा ग़म जगा लिया, रात मचल मचल गई
Reciting Faiz - a friend took this screen shot :) Lesson leant- find a better spot in the house.

 आज फिर उनका सामना होगा
क्या पता उसके बाद क्या होगा
दो क़दम पर सही तेरा कूचा
ये भी सदियों का फ़ासला होगा
-सबा सीकरी

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