
Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thank you for all your love, I am a lucky woman - 03/19

I always believed in - “Age is just a number” I think and even more, strongly  so in “ I am not getting old only my body is” heart and soul is something what makes me what I am, not my body.
As the day is getting over, all I could feel is “gratitude” tonight. I still have to look into 100s of facebook posts and what’s app  and messenger messages. Thank you for all your calls, messages, what’s app calls, and emails.
I had a wonderful Bday celebration inspite of whatever going on around us. video call with mom and papa, sisters, In laws and some who are very close to my heart, a fabulous breakfast and lunch made by son and husband and then a fantastic evening totally made grand by Pandey boys. a fancy dinner with drinks and fire and a family picture, Anand agreed to be in, is the highlight of the day. 
Above of all - the regular Bday treats, I have so many of those amazing messages. I am loved beyond conditions, appreciated beyond limit and adored beyond any words. I am a very lucky woman who must have done something in my past life to get this kind of love.
So thank you to each one of you.
I will write more about today but cannot stop sharing this poem. Megha is a mom in my Mom’s Network. Her Family was introduced to me by her husband’s manager. She is an amazing writer and today she sent me this. I am not so emotional usually but I was all teary eyed while reading. I don’t know if I deserve this but would love to share with you all anyways.
Thank you Megha for believing in me and help me growing and making me part of your world. 

'Jaya - the Lady with Hope of Ray'

Life is a roller coaster for each of us,
Tough time comes and goes like tides -
A few souls walk hand in hand,
Brings happiness and positive vibes.

She won her every battle with smile
With time she becomes the shade...
She made our steeped journey
'Special' and beautiful like cascade! 

Live long with 'Anand' every moment
Jaya - the Lady with Hope of Ray
With all our gratitude and thanks
Wish you a very happy birthday!

জয়া - আলোর দিশা

স্বচ্ছ তোয়ার উচ্ছল বয়ে চলা
পাথুরে খাতে কারা রুদ্ধ গতি,
বন্ধু তুমি হাত বাড়িয়ে দিও
অক্ষয় হোক উদ্ভাসিত জ্যোতি।

বন্ধু, তুমি যুদ্ধ জয়ী প্রাণ
আমার লড়াই শুরুর প্রহর গোণে
ভরসা দিলে ভালোবাসায় মুড়ে
আশার প্রদীপ মনের গহীন কোণে।

বন্ধু তুমি বট বৃক্ষের ছায়া
তুমিই জানি তপ্ত দিনের ধারা
পথ হারানো বিভ্রান্ত কালে
তোমার দ্বারে নিত্য কড়া নাড়া।

বিশেষ দিনে নতুন করে বলি
অম্লান হোক মমতাময়ীর হাসি
'বিশেষ' শব্দ তোমার ছবিই আঁকে।
জন্মদিনের শুভেচ্ছা রাশি রাশি!


19th March,2020

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