03/13 Friday posted on 03/14
All of sudden the week turned into something else we couldn’t imagine two weeks ago.
By Wednesday last week we knew its not what we thought or imagined. I understand that precaution is very important but at the same we need to know that fear and speculation without facts are our biggest enemy in this time.
By Thursday the news of school closing was all over the place. kids came back home on Thursday not sure when would they go back.I am not writing something new, It’s kind of chaos and we all are aware of it. The state of helplessness at its peak.
I work from home two days but by Wednesday company said WFH if not necessary to come to office. so I was home all week but Friday was first day when all 4 of us were home. 3 of us working and Anand enjoying his sudden vacation day.
it has never happened before, 3 of us working people in the house in 3 different places working. but looks like it will be a new norm in Pandey household. we all have to figure out a way to be together 24-7 and not kill each other :)
I will keep writing about my experience with this new unknown territory.
we did some grocery shopping early in the week, little more than we usually do, bought little more fruits and veggies but decided against stocking everything. Indian household will always have lentils and rice and flour so we should be able to manage for couple fo weeks I guess. please know you can call us if you are not feeling well or bored with your food and want to try some simple indian food.
first day and it daunt on me that it’s time to work on my “todo” list so I tackled one thing from that. When I don’t want to do anything, I cook so we have plenty of food from Thursday. Thinking of everyone who has older parents, sick people, medically complex kid or parents, kids with more need, and someone who cannot work from home, health care profession who risk themselves everyday going to work.
Please know we all need to be kinder and better what we usually are. we will need each other and are in this together.
Just because I am thinking of "when this all will be over"
The linen closet, one from "todo" list everyday
work from home package when you get the Tea delivered by the son.
and in return you cook what he loves. Fish curry with asparagus, Cucumber, avocado and moong salad
I wonder about your energy and admire you as a super mom Pragya, God bless you ❤️❤️❤️