Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Finding Hope Amid Silent Struggles, Don’t carry your mountain alone

 Mental health struggle is real. I have heard so many stories and seen so much, and every time it is daunting to see people feeling helpless and lonely.

I am usually optimistic, finding silver linings and moving on, but Amma’s passing took a toll on me. I am really surprised by how unfamiliar those emotions were. Amma lived her life fully, left royally, and did so with grace and dignity. Despite all that, some days I feel just empty. I guess I am still holding on to my tears; maybe someday I will be able to let them flow.

I am really fortunate that friends kept an eye on me and checked on me periodically. But my heart aches for those who carry the pain within themselves. Pain of not fitting in, pain of being lonely in a crowd, or just living someone else’s dreams and wishes. Are they tired of the silent battles they fight each day? They smile, but no one can see the turmoil they are dealing with. Do we understand their need for belonging or their longing for freedom from usual social expectations?

A last-minute invite forced me to get out of my gloomy mood and go to a gala. An organization, Disability Law Center, was celebrating 45 years of disability rights advocacy! That day, I needed to see sunshine and hope. The Charles River and Cambridge do so beautifully. A Linen Cotton for the evening. 

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