
Sunday, February 25, 2024

Week of "Random Acts of Kindness": Let it Continue

We often hear heartwarming stories of people spontaneously paying for someone's coffee or groceries, creating a warm feeling within us. We all make promises to do the same, yet sometimes we act on it, while at other times, we forget.

I wonder if we truly need a designated week to celebrate or act upon kindness. Shouldn't this be a part of our philosophy?

During a recent visit to Ogunquit last weekend, after checking in, I walked out of my room, met some ladies, took some pictures, and somehow didn't feel the vibe. After unpacking, I decided to give it another try. When I walked out, a woman was trying to get her stuff from her car. Offering my help, we both went to her room. At the same time, two women (the sisters) emerged from the next door, greeting us with warm smiles. Their rooms faced the sea, and our initial exchange was about the breathtaking view.

While the woman I was assisting got busy unpacking, the three of us stayed outside, enjoying the ocean view and conversation. These sisters had a family home in the area and knew the area very well As we talked, we decided to take a stroll on the beach. It turned out to be a fabulous evening—refreshing and filled with laughter. Despite their close bond, the sisters chose to include me, and we ended up going out for dinner with the entire group.

During our beach walk, I shared my desire to drive along the coastline in Maine. Without hesitation, they offered to accompany me. Next morning we drove on my favorite route, their long-standing connection to the area meant they knew every road and hidden gem. While they went for a hike, I continued my beach-hopping journey. We briefly met after dinner, and the next morning, they departed as I went for a walk. I couldn’t even thank them for their random act of kindness.

Meeting and spending time with them transformed my entire trip. Gradually, I made more friends, and by the time we left, I had connected with numerous women. However, I will forever be grateful to those two sisters.

Janice and Cynthia, Please know I am forever grateful for your random act of kindness. I sure will pay it forward.

A Jute Silk for a a musical evening. 

The Amazing sisters  
The memorable evening walk
Cynthia is a wonderful photographer, I will always remember this beach photoshoot fondly

Monday, February 19, 2024

When over 50 women (yes age and number both) hangout together for a weekend !

 What would you expect when over 50 women (yes, both in age and number) hang out together for a weekend? Fun, laughter, games, drinks, dance, food, gossips, conversations, and a few more drinks :)

In a Facebook group of women (age - 50 and beyond), someone came up with the idea of a weekend getaway. You may not think so, but for me, it was a big deal. I know how hard it is to plan even a dinner in the city with a few girlfriends; a weekend away just seemed impossible.

I am sure it must be a lot of work for the few who organized it, but for the rest of us, it was easy: call the hotel, book the room asking for a group rate, post in the group for a roommate, and go. I didn't know people in the group except for a couple, but Ogunquit is one of my most favorite places. Watching the sunrise on that beach was on my wish list, and this was a perfect opportunity.

I drove on a beautiful sunny Friday to Maine. My room was ocean-facing (sideways). I met a few of the women, and I felt very out of place; they all knew each other from various events. Soon things changed as I went for a walk with three other women on the beach. By dinner time, at least I knew a couple of women.

The next morning, I was at the beach for the sunrise. I still cannot believe that in the cold of February, I got to see two beautiful sunrises in Maine with temperatures in the 40s. By breakfast, I was quite comfortable being there. And then the day just turned around in such a big way; for the next 24 hours, I was in the company of some amazing women. We all walked, talked, ate, drank, played board games, sat by the fire indoors and outdoors, hung out in the hot tub, roamed around town, went to restaurants, had some drinks, and stayed up until midnight chatting. In the middle of all these activities, I went for a drive for beach hopping, drove on the coastline, walked on multiple beaches, ate some lobster, and came back again to join the fun club.

The next morning, after breakfast, we bid goodbyes with the promise to meet again. I so wish I could write about all the stuff that happened in between, but whatever happens in Maine stays in Maine. Until we meet again.

A beautiful cotton saree for Saturday morning breakfast. The color matched with the water so perfectly. 

The first pic on the road to Ogunquit.I left the highway and drove on Rt 1A  
The Sunset on Ogunquit beach. Sun was setting on the other side not on the water but sky was equally beautiful 
and there it was - The sun rising the next morning , View from my room
 then I quickly went to Ogunquit beach a 3 minutes drive 
After the breakfast and saree pics I drove on Ocean Avenue on route to Wells Reserves, 
Another beach in Wells. I think it was Moody Beach
Wells Beach 
Somewhere in Wells
Kennebunk beach 

Somewhere in Kennebunk port
Goonch Beach Kennebunk 

Temperature was in early 40s but it didnt stop them 
I was not the only one having fun
One of my fav place - Maine Diner 
and then it was time for sunset    
and the party began right after 
 The next morning - Went to different direction this time 
Until we meet again 
This was Friday What difference the two days made 
ON my way back I again drove along the coast -Perkins Cove, Ogunquit
Somewhere between Lighthouse and York beach
York Beach, York