
Sunday, November 28, 2021

Thankful for so many reason. A sit down dinner is sure one of those

 This Thanksgiving certainly was different in Pandey household. Boys “came” home from their places. It was exciting and fun. We decided to stay home and invited the friends whose home we would have gone otherwise. I am glad it turned out that way so at least I didn’t have to work to get Anand somewhere else.

The week began with grocery shopping. We emptynesters don’t keep much stuff in the house. Monday was our Costco day. I don’t remember buying that much food in a long time. Boys have been out for 3 and half months. We buy “just enough” for two of us.

Tuesday We went to get Anand in the afternoon. My boy was happy and excited to see us. He was all packed and ready to come home. I could see how overpacked he was but I think it was more of the easy way out than thoughtful packing. Just dump it and take it home. We took a 15 mins break and drove back home.

Anand was waiting for a computer game for quite sometime and when he got home, a new gaming PC was waiting for him. That’s it, My boy just forgot the whole world and stayed in his room for that evening.

Wednesday was Ajey’s last day at his current job so he came home later afternoon and the home felt “home” the dinner table that night was back it its glory after 3+ months.

Thursday brought cooking and cleaning. Anand did unpack and laundry and he was back to his normal “home” self. I didn’t get to see anything this program taught him yet. BUT the big deal happened in the evening.

Anand came out of his room to say hello to our friends and stayed with us for dinner. We all ate specially cooked meal for thanksgiving but he ate his fav - Rajma ( kidney beans) and roti. BUT he sat on the dining table with all of us and finished everything he had on his plate. For me that was the biggest take away.

He returned to his game and came back after some time for desert. And surely got angry with mom for delaying and taking pics of pies. 24 hours at home and my boy was already angry with his mother.

He referred “my apartment” during our conversation, went grocery shopping with dad in the evening.  today as I type this on Saturday night he is sleeping in his room  already packed  to start early morning tomorrow.

This evening I asked what can I pack - he totally refused to take anything from home. My son ate only Indian food for last 3 days, He didn’t eat anything Indian for last 3 months but have no concept of taking the boxes from home. On the other hand the first born has gladly packed everything leftover. 

But this Thanksgiving I will take that one step at a time. Grateful for the progress we see and sometime not see but intention to move forward and learn more what matters most.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

What we are thankful for - where is your list?

 I wrote this post on Feb 29th, 2016, The Saree no- 96 in my 100SareePact journey. Today I cannot think of anything more than post. Feeling of gratitude on this Thanksgiving day. Anand is home after 3 months for the weekend.  Brothers met after 3 months, played video game. Ajey drove his brother out for dinner at Five Guys and while I cooked for rest 3 of us as Ajey wanted to eat at home. My house felt warm, smelt of food and bright as ever.

Hope you resonate with what I felt few years ago and I hope you find yourself somewhere in my story.


 #100sareePact #Saree96 #Unsungheroes #Loveallaroundus #Thankyou #Happiness #Thankful

The tribute to unsung heroes of our life, we don't even acknowledge their presence in our life but there they are in sideline shaping our lives every day.

Let me begin my story thanking them. Friends and strangers who suggested a new poet, a new ghazal or a song, a new genre , a plumber, an electrician, a snow plow guy, a landscaper, a movie, a restaurant, a new dish , who sent notes, cards, couplets, a new poetry, a new tune. Thankful for some hugs, a tissue to wipe those tears or just a pat on the back. Neighbors who took my panic phone call and checked my stove I thought was left on, who kept the trash barrel in when we went on vacation, checked the house when we were away. Those strangers who waved when I crossed them while walking or replied to my hello with smile, helped pushed my cart in grocery store, were patient when I was trying to look for missing credit card in the checkout line, who didn't honk when I was trying to parallel park in Boston.

The receptionist at Children's hospital with smile on her face, the parking cashier, the counter person who wrote "love your smile" on my coffee cup, the kid in the stroller who smiled at me when I made faces. The school receptionist who asks for family every time she sees me. Not only Anand’s teacher but the whole team from counselor to therapist who checks on me and him and sends me emails about not only concerns but something good happened.

One of those random phone calls, emails, text messages to remind me that for some my existence matters. a cleaning staff who says good morning honey every time he sees me, asked me where I was for last 4 weeks, when I was away, the chef who puts extra stuff in my sandwich to make it tastier, the colleagues who took care of my stuff when I was away, coworkers who asked about my trips and pictures, husband’s colleagues who treat me as one of them, remember my Bday, get me gifts, some of them even from China visit us and pamper us. 

The train conductor with a smile, the strangers walking in Boston commenting on my saree. The drivers in India who closed their ears while I chit chatted with my sisters nonstop for hours long drive, the cooks in their house who made sure I was well fed and treated with my favorite food, the household help who without fail ask about my day, sister’s neighbors who came to say hello. The tailor who puts up with my last minutes demands, the Saree shopkeepers who lets me go in their shop and choose my own stuff against their rule and them treat me with chai. The beauty parlor girls, who listen to my music, pamper me with smile and clear their schedule to accommodate my last minute requests, give me my favorite seat. The check in lady who took my extra luggage without charge, the custom officer who didn’t make fuss about my spices and boxes of bangles, who lets me take 6 bottles of scotch because I told him that I wanted to treat my husband for taking care of boys while I vacationed in India. The patient passenger next to me in the plane.

All those what’s app groups with cousins, classmates, old friends. Even with the annoying jokes and forwards they keep us connected. The list goes on but today I stop for a minute with this saree to thank each and every one of them to make my life beautiful.

Today I am happy woman, feel beautiful because you are in my life. A BIG thank you to all of you A simple Cotton Saree for a thank you note video, you will get to see soon.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Friday comes with a bang, literally..

When week gets crazy and stressful we look forward to the Friday, the TGIF means something different yet same for everyone.

I had a stressful week, was so looking forward to Friday, a musical meet, for a change I knew exactly what I wanted to recite ( the comment from this host in a previous mehfil made it easy) and a new khun saree with a beautiful blouse was waiting to be donned.

I couldn’t wait for the evening, work somehow got over and I decided to drop something to a friends. We have a very long drive ( if you have noticed on my outdoor pictures) no-one comes there.

I got into the car, decided to text her my ETA, and JS started playing. Within 30 seconds I backed up my car and bang - hit the UPS truck delivering my order.

All my fault, but no-one was supposed to be on my driveway. The ease and comfort of known makes you careless and that’s what exactly it was.

Mr. Husband was called, I was all over the place, sad, frustrated and angry and above all sorry.

He comes out, talked to the driver, hugs me, holds me tight, takes the pictures, makes me sit and offers a cup of wine. “Its okay, it happens and it will be okay, just breathe” . He is not a hugger but he exactly knew what was needed at that very moment.

We went to see a mechanic and I was even worse thinking why couldn’t I be more careful. Unnecessary expenses.

All I really wanted was to curl up, complain and cry and he reminded how badly I needed to get to that musical evening in that new saree, I was waiting for whole week. He exactly knew that music and saree will make me feel better.

So within an hour I drove for an hour to spend few hours with people who love me doing what I enjoy. Yes- Jagjit Singh and the Saree made my weekend much better.

वो मस्त हवाओं के झोंके कुछ रात गए कुछ रात रहे

जैसे ये कोई रह रह के कहे घबराओ नहीं हम आते हैं

The appreciative audience made up for everything wrong

 They made me forget what happened few hours ago

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Food Brings people together , lets cook together :)

I have been donating Indian meals for various nonprofits for years now, one Indian meal for 4 people. Last few years it turned into a cooking class for a family. 

When Federations for Children with special Needs Gala was announced I offered to donate it again. Last year it was over Zoom but this year we made it optional. 

I have always met amazing people at my cooking classes and it’s always thrilling to teach my cultural heritage to different people.  Once the date was decided the host and I talked about menu and planned the logistics. Last week I was seeing a friend in the same town so decided to visit her. An Italian host and an Indian chef was an exciting combination and we had a blast.

We picked a Sunday evening so both her girls could come home to cook with mom. Nancy’s sister who teaches Italian cooking joined us too. I drove with Ajey and together the 6 of us had a great time in the kitchen.  And yes the two dogs hung out with us too. The man of the house already claimed the responsibility of cleaning up after. 

For over two hours we talked, listened, learnt, observed, questioned, took notes, chopped, washed, cooked, tasted, joked and laughed. So many cultural nuances were discussed, memories were relived and cherished and above all travel plans were made, Jaya traveling with both the sisters for cooking lesson to Italy. When passionate cooks meet the menu and planning goes out of the window and passion takes over.

And yes the smoke alarm decided to give us company too, the dogs didn’t understand what all the commotion was about. They must have gone crazy with the smell.

My favorite part was seeing them all eating and enjoying the meal. A different cuisine brings so much flavor not only in food but in life too. I hope those two girls remember the night and cook again my way. I know their mom and aunt will for sure. 

We said good bye with a promise to do this again and next time the menu will be Italian. Amen to many more such beginnings.

What is your food story, what brings you closer to people ? What is that one dish you would cook for someone you love? Something to impress? Something to cherish?

The team :) 

The Menu was 

Peas Rice
Cauliflower curry
Chicken Curry
Dry Chicken

and the guest no -1 

A simple Kanchi cotton