Monday, July 20, 2020

Memories - lets create some - not only for me but for everyone

I have always been about making memories - it can be in form of stories, poetry, ghazals, sarees or pictures. Everything matters when it is associated with people and a specific time in our life.
My dad always loved taking picture and was very good at it. When I got my first digital camera, he was the first person I thought of. I did get this from him, a passion for taking photographs but not of landscape or nature. I am all about people, faces and emotions.
Unfortunately my men are not much fans of any side of the camera, but that didn’t stop me. I did whatever I wanted and whenever I could. 
Our India Photo shoots have been discussed and talked about plenty and that gave me an idea. I wanted to do that for the families who couldn’t go to the studio for photo shoots or have a photographer come home.
All these simple tasks are tough for families with special need children and an idea was born. I offered the families that I would come to their homes and take their pictures.
Some were happy, some were skeptical and some agreed.
I have a simple DSLR camera but that is good enough to create some amazing memories. 
I hope I do create some memories for you while making some for me. I don’t only take pictures I get some stories, learn something new about human behavior and thoroughly enjoy the process in doing what I love. Stay tuned.
#MomLovesAnand #desimomsNetwork #Memories 

 My dad, My hero - This project is all about him in many ways. Camera and giving back where it is needed most. Papa in Goa..(Nov 2018) happiest him - Ocean, his first born (me), walk on the beach and camera 

Pics of backyard all set up for socially distant photoshoot. I found it very difficult to not hug and kiss that cute kid that evening, a hug to another darling girl who is good to Jaya Auntie. I could play with her hair, put some flower on it or just give her my camera to play with. It was a very hot Saturday and there was no breeze but we all survived. see the lights magic. It was wonderful to see two new familes meet and connect. 

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