Posted on 03/19
A friend reminded I am getting old so I should listen to my body. I decided to listen to my heart and soul and celebrate my milestone Bday in a totally different way.
Today I decided to take my calling to another step further. Desi Moms Network going Beyond Borders!!!! and is on Facebook and Instagram.I am happy, proud and excited for these moms who found support and friendship through this group.
Please help me grow this community for Desi Moms with Children with special need everywhere. If you know someone who has kids with needs, please be kind to them, support them and please please connect them to each other.
Please reach out to me if you want more information about this group. Thank you for all your love and support.
A dear friend decided to celebrate my big Bday. #Bdayeve
#DesiMomsNetwork #Youarenotalone#MomlovesAnand
Please join - Only if you have a child with special needs.
If you are a wonderful friend to a such family please share this information with them
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