
Saturday, December 25, 2021

What would you change? If given a chance to do all over again.

When 8 women meet on a snowy afternoon on the Christmas Day, what do they do?

They eat panupuri and chat ( snack) and sip a cup of chai and talk :)

These women didn’t know each other as friends, few of them never met before. It was a mix of my music, Desi moms Network and saree group mix - the village of its own.

My whole idea was to let these women come together and create something fun.  

I get some questions as an ice breaker, ( hint - Some came from - 36 questions to fall in love ;) They are intimate and force you to think and open up.

So one of the questions was (1) things you want to change in your life - if you do it all over again and (2) what is  your story as a person. And all of sudden everyone was opening up like they have known each other for years.

I can keep writing about today but for now I am just enjoying the warmth of new found friendships for them. I have known them all for long time, it’s very comforting to see them finding that with each other. They left with already a date in hand to meet again and continue the conversation.

What is your one thing you want to change? What is your “what if” for today? 

This place has seen laughter, tears, giggles, regrets, hope and joy today. 
Suneela and I never knew each other couple of weeks ago and now we feel we have known each other forever. Her daughter joked that she cannot believe that her mother who lives in India has her own friend circle in Boston now. and we both rocked the Telia Rumal, didn't we? :)

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